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For the transfer and storage of crypto assets, you must first have wallets that support the relevant networks. If you have a Metamask wallet, you can proceed to the next paragraph. If you do not have a Metamask wallet, you can continue reading and follow the installation steps. You can easily install Metamask as an add-on to your existing browser. If your current browser does not have metamask, please visit address to install it. Then you can start the installation with the help of the 'Download' button as in the picture.
You can start the installation with the Get button on the page that opens. (If you are not using Edge, the button name may differ.) After the installation is complete, Metamask should appear in the plugins.
(If you are not using Google Chrome, the button name may differ.) After the installation is complete, Metamask should appear in the extensions.
Make a note of the 12 words that Metamask gives you, where you will not lose them, and do not share them with anyone.
Your Metamask wallet comes with the Ethereum network by default. We need to make the Avalanche network settings required for the Avalanche network. You can follow the steps below to make the settings.
1- From the Metamask network selection screen, click Add network.
2-Fill in the fields in the window that opens according to the information given below. -Network name: Avalanche Network -New RPC address: -Chain ID: 43114 -Currency symbol: AVAX -Block explorer URL:
4- Click Save!